
hillsrain ~ foto 

Images like this do not come without a story and sometimes its good to let emotion and hyperbole take the place of data and records. This is a place for me to do this and to feature my favourite pics ( not always good!) that I snap along the way.

I am privileged to live in a visually spectacular place. My landscape and indeed my country of Australia changes daily and goes from rich verdant green to yellow brown as the seasons turn. Its impossible to not be inspired, to not stop and simply look. I try to capture the essence of where I live and travel. Sometimes unsuccessfully for as in all things but most especially those of a natural kind, just sometimes you need to take in, to drink in these scenes for yourself, in real life.

If my images here inspire you to get out there and see the world for yourself then my job is done. Enjoy and most of all, stop and look!
