Atmospheric awesomness!

The 23rd of September 2014 saw some beautifully scenic and atmospheric storms. Visually it was a treat like no other. The sun sinking to the magic hour was full of saturation and evening brightness and placed itself so so perfectly behind me that I had trouble believing what I was seeing was real.

First was the beginnings of a rainbow from the lap of the gods themselves, but just before it was birthed the sun, funneled by cloud and ridges behind me, drove through a spotlight of anti-crepuscular rays of a brightness and quality I have not seen. The rainbow can be seen coming to life in the rays. What is “anti-crepuscular”?
First pic below attempted to capture the scene before me (click for full size)


Next came a rainbow that simply defies description. It was vivid, rich, bright, alive, an arch of superb pure colour. It grew to amazing proportions in the most perfectly placed sun light you could hope for. Eventually I remembered that I had a camera in my hands, when I came to my senses and realised this was not a dream, but reality. It even had the faint edges of a second bow.
Second pic below is an image of the rainbow. It lacks the soul of the reality but you get the idea (again click for full size)

WOW – again

 The world was a surreal visual feast, one I shall not forget.

These images deserved better than jpeg with all its blocks and fuzziness and are posted here as png’s hence the size.


Atmospheric beauty

The best example of anti-crepuscular rays I have seen. click image for full size

Rainbow extraordinaire!

Quite simply put the best most complete and vivid rainbow I have seen. click image for full size


There were many other images I took this day. In time I shall post them all up. But this post is about two very special (to me) scenes that defined this moment in time as extraordinary. For now just a small series of thumbnails so you get an idea……


What an afternoon of scenes! A small collection of my travels and views.. Click image for full size